Whether you’re just moving down the street or to another corner of the country, moving to a new house can be stressful. It can help enormously if you hire professional Melbourne Removalists, but there is still more you can do to make your move to a new home go as smoothly as possible.
Pack Early
Are you the person who packs the night before when going on holiday? If yes, then this approach will certainly not work when moving home. You need to start packing early. Create a spot in your home and name it ‘Packing Central’, then divide all your items into three lots: keep, sell, and donate.
Start packing the items that you are keeping and sell the ones which you are not. You can also donate your unused, non-necessary items and to your packing task. This will save not only your time but also your energy.
Make Lists
Don’t start packing things in boxes randomly. Start making lists and label every box, so you can easily find your items when you reach your new house. The amount of time it will save will amaze you, and also prevent shouting matches when others in your family demand that you tell them where their favourite DVD or game is, for example.
Let Your Kids And Pets Have An ‘Away Day’
If you have kids who are too young to actually help you with the removal process on the day you move, the fact that they may be needing your attention throughout, can result in an increase in your stress levels. Ask a friend or family member to look after your kids during your moving day.
The same applies to pets who are very much creatures of habit. They can become over-stressed with all the activity and upheaval, and seeing strangers come into their home and remove items can also cause them some distress.
Take Care Of Your Documents
One thing that would stress you most is your important documents went missing during your move. Store all your paperwork such as passports, insurance papers, wills, birth certificates, etc. in one folder or box, and keep them in a safe place at all times.
It is also a good idea that you take your documents with you personally when you travel from your old home to your new one, rather than packing them in one of the boxes.
Have A Moving Checklist
To avoid major issues, you should make a removal checklist. This will not only work as your personal guide but if everyone else has a copy, and allocated tasks, it should ensure nothing is forgotten.
Pack A First Night Kit
This tip is the most important one when it comes to stress-free evening on your moving day. Create a kit for your that evening with essential items, like phone chargers, toiletries, snacks, water bottles, and items for hot drinks.
Hire Professional Removalists
Hiring a professional removalist is without a doubt the best way to avoid stress and guarantee that your moving day goes smoothly. Book your professional removalists well in advance so that you can be sure that they are Available on your moving day. As well as actually moving all your items, many removalists have services which include supplying you with all the necessary packing materials.